
Safe house

We aim to treat human beings like human beings with flaws and all. No one is perfect and we all need a hand every now and again.

Highjinx is a safe house like your Auntie’s. Lonely folks, those in a wee bit of trouble, those needing bus fare home, someone struggling to stay sober, a Neighbour grieving, a parent at the end of their rope, the ill and the mentally ill are all welcome and helped in whatever way they need, on their terms and where they are at. Without prejudice. Our Neighbours tell us they feel like they belong, like they fit in and that they are comfortable here. And that in itself is why it is so important. We work at abolishing the line between Us and Them and teach that we are all in this together. It is a space for people to meet and help each other by sharing stories and time. This place is magic. highjinx is a constant place of refuge and solace as well as absolute antics and frivolity.





