Families of Sisters in Spirit (FSIS)

volunteer agency - support, service provision, advocacy

FSIS is a community-based, all-volunteer support service and advocacy organization for Indigenous families impacted by disappearance, murder, MMIWG2S, and state violence. FSIS was co-founded in Ottawa/Algonquin territory in January 2011 and exists entirely without government funding. Our founding member, Bridget Tolley has been searching for justice since 2001 when her mother, Gladys Tolley was killed by Québec police on her reserve, Kitigan Zibi First Nation.

FSIS is a valuable community partner of the Willow’s Drop-in Program. Willow’s is a Vanier-based low-barrier service that provides basic needs (clothing, food, hygiene, menstrual supplies), harm reduction supplies, (safer sex, injection, inhalation and overdose reversal), peer support, access to a nurse, safe(r) space, and much more. Willow’s is open for women and gender nonconforming people, ages 16+ who trade and sell sex, use substances, and/or who are experiencing Gender-Based Violence (GBV). Willow’s is a partnership between FSIS, the Métis Nation of Ontario, Ottawa Public Health, and Somerset West Community Health Centre.



